Cecilia Dougherty

The Irreducible I: Space, Place, Authenticity, and Change

Paperback – 15 Apr 2013 | 284 Pages | ISBN here* | ISBN here*

The Irreducible I: Space, Place, Authenticity, and Change examines subjectivity within the shared space of the everyday, engaging an eclectic mix of disciplines from Bruno Latour's social theories to Barbara Hammer's filmic possession of the feminine. The writings of Georges Perec and Raoul Vaneigem are tested against the observations of geographer Yi-Fu Tuan, journalist Naomi Klein, and social historian W. E. B. Du Bois, connecting processes by which humans become subjects and non-humans, technologies, and objects become key relational elements in the formation of an authentic space of daily life. Works by Félix Guattari, Kathy Acker, Avital Ronell, Bruno Latour, Gloria Andaldúa, and Michel de Certeau are brought together, locating pathways of resistance to the narrowing of experience by state and corporate agendas for control. The relational I emerges as a key for human agency, for presenting an everbecoming self to an ever-forming and interconnected global landscape of actual possibility.